Every day Wellness

This program is beneficial for everyone: individuals as well as staff dealing with work and life issues that are stressful and can result in cumulative stress. Difficulty dealing with stress can result in psychological and physical distress, as well as problems with productivity, job and life satisfaction, burn out, relationships, and job retention.
What are the benefits of this powerful program?

Benefits of the Every Day Wellness Program:
Enhanced attention and focus: You’ll develop the capacity to pay attention and stay focused, improving productivity and efficiency in both personal and professional tasks.

Improved mental health: You will be able to manage stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges more effectively, leading to greater overall well-being and mental resilience.
Enhanced physical health: You will experience the interconnectedness of mind and body, as mindfulness and compassion practices contribute to improved physical health and overall vitality.

Reshaping brain structure: Harness the power of neuroplasticity to rewire your brain for positivity, personal growth, and enhanced cognitive abilities.
Stronger relationships: Cultivate deeper connections and understanding with others, fostering more meaningful and fulfilling relationships in all areas of your life.

The structure and content of the program are designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule. For the full twelve-hour program, you can choose from options like full-day workshops, six two-hour workshops, or twelve one-hour workshops. Or, you can select one to two hour individual or introductory workshops on specific topics such as mindfulness, compassion, self-compassion, or positive neuroplasticity. Additionally, coaching is available for both teams and individuals, providing personalized support on your journey towards well-being.
Ready to get started?
Contact Helene directly using the form below.